Friday 4 March 2016

Recipe Fridays (1)

Recipe Fridays.

Hey everyone, happy Friday! I have decided to make every Friday a recipe day.
So this week I'm going to share with you one of my favourite Greek foods. When I was over there over the summer I ate buckets of the stuff. This is a Tzatziki recipe.
I will leave it in Grams, Cups and Ounces.

This serves 8 people.


2 cartons of Greek yogurt ( you can used ordinary plain yogurt but if you used the Greek it tastes better)
2 cucumbers seeded and grated
2 tablespoons of olive oil.
juice of half a lemon
season to taste
3 cloves of garlic
A dash of vinegar gives it a bit of a kick but its completely optional.


Empty the cartons of Greek yogurt into a big bowl.
Take the cucumbers and take the seeds out. Then grate the cucumber with a greater on add to the bowl of yogurt. Juice the lemon into the bowl and season it. Crush the garlic, make sure it is well crushed so there isn't huge chunks of garlic your in sauce. Add the vinegar at this point if you want and stir the whole mixture until everything is thoroughly combined.
To garnish you could add some olives, drizzle some olive oil on top or even add some mint leaves.
Credits to for the recipe.

picture from


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